A blog with honest opinions on Technology: From Video Games to Binary Code.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Applecrombie And Fitch - The Trendy Thing To Do


I wish I wasn't a hater, but I am and most (not all) Apple users have it coming.

Typically, I take it upon myself to look the other way when Mac users (in all their glory) give me some sort of condescending smile and reason as to why they own a Mac in the first place. It really reminds me of the South Park episode "Smug Alert" - picture above.

I wouldn't have a problem with anyone going with a Mac by simply saying "Windows Vista sucked so bad that I will never buy a PC again!" - There, at least you're being honest.

The problem I see in the computer world right now is that Apple has managed to convince a few people (a very small market share, really) that MacBooks are the best machines in the world and you should invest $2000 into their hardware/OS. By convincing a few people that their digital photos and 'artisic' abilities won't look the same or work the same on a PC, they have effectively lied about their product and what you can do with $2000 invested into a PC. With that much money, I could build a computer that would decimate this generation and the next generation of Apple computers.

Is it the OS? Do you like the pretty shades of pastels that greet you as the original wallpaper?

Is it the glowing Apple icon on the back?

Or are you so superficial that you only bought a MacBook in order to fit in with the other 'indie' kids at the campus coffee shop.

You should be ashamed.

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