A blog with honest opinions on Technology: From Video Games to Binary Code.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Macbook Wheel - I Dare You, Mr. Jobs!

The Macbook Wheel isn't real - but I wish it was. I feel similarly about other stupid things I would enjoy seeing come to fruition just to see the inventor/whack-job fail miserably.
For those of you who haven't seen The Onion's story about 'The Wheel', here is the link.

Every time I hear about Microsoft rolling out a new operating system I get angry. Not because it is usually (always) buggy software waiting to get hacked but because it is just too blatently selfish. When the price of software reaches $500+ (even $50+) most people just look, laugh and go to bit-torrent or their friendly neighborhood pirate (arrgh!).

When it comes to pissing me off beyond Microsoft - Apple is always #1. Not only have they managed to convince nearly every rich suburban white kid that Macbook is the coolest thing since Vanilla Ice but they venture into other realms of stupidity. I can understand Microsoft jacking up prices on poorly designed software and ignorant people buying into 'the next big thing'. However, I can't understand how Apple manages to convince people to buy all their little gadgets and then make them believe that they actually need them.

I love analogies, so here is my analogy of the day.

Microsoft is a used car salesman - You know they are full of shit. You know they will do almost anything to make you buy from them (including making 'fixes' that demolish your car (PC)). You know they are going to make you pay extra for anything that you may have problems with in the future...but you will go ahead and buy the car and try to fix all the problems on your own.

Apple is a snake oil salesman - They tell you their product is perfect. They tell you everything they have is something you need. They tell you they will always be around to give you more snake oil (any new Apple product) that they come up with. They manage to convince you that you need other oils (gadgetry - iPhone, iPod, Macbook Pro, Jaguar, Leopard, Panther, Kitten, Sabretooth, ViBrator, Macbook Wheel...the list goes on). And lets not forget - they all become obsolete, they all eventually break and they are all WAY overpriced.

So, I dare YOU Mr. Jobs - make the Macbook Wheel. Watch your faithful Lemmings walk off a cliff for you. Then I will laugh as I watch you make the biggest mistake since the Pippin.

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