A blog with honest opinions on Technology: From Video Games to Binary Code.

Friday, March 14, 2008


When the iPod first came out I was skeptical.
"Why would you need to replace CDs?"
Then Napster made its way into my little world and MP3s became the best thing since sliced bread.
Then I thought- "Well, I can burn these all onto CDs... No need for a silly iPod."

Years later... I am suffering from withdraw. I am suffering in general.
I feel like I did when I was the only kid still playing Atari 7800 when most of my friends had an NES.

So, for Christmas I asked for a microSD card for my phone. "This will be like and iPod!!"
In short... No... IT WON'T!!!!

My Samsung CU540 has MP3 playback, etc. but the navigation is horrid and I have killed two pairs of headphones on it. (The headphones are a different story...for more on those check back for my blog on "Body Glove" headphones)

To save some time for myself and my readers (if there are any of you out there). Don't go on the cheap... If you want an MP3 player, just get an iPod.

Now I am stuck without a working set of headphones for my phone and my CD player is looking like a blessing again (which makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little bit).
I have over 200 GB of music and no good MP3 player to load down with a few gigs of noise.
I could have taken the $60 in headphones and $30 in my microSD card and gotten an iPod shuffle... But no, I thought I would be "smart"...

Don't be smart.... Get an iPod and be like everyone else. That is the only way to go through life in an oblivious daze of music.

(Stay tuned for my iPod User Review - Ohio University Edition)

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