A blog with honest opinions on Technology: From Video Games to Binary Code.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Don't Walk and iPod

The saying usually goes "You can't walk and chew gum at the same time"
However, now I am starting to see that in practice with the iPod generation.
People here in Athens, Ohio (primarily college students) seem to think that having those little white wires connected to their head give them a free pass to be oblivious.

I have nearly been run into, walked into, sat on top of and even run over by these poor deaf, dumb and blind people. I swear, someone out of this crowd would be a pinball wizard, if they could pull their head out of their ass.

Now, I will admit, I do want and iPod. (see my last blog for proof)

On the contrary, there should also be an iPod permit that people should have to test for, much like a driver's license.

If you can't either walk in a straight line or show that you see what you are doing when listening to your iPod, you will not be permitted to use it whilst walking. In other words, you FAIL!

So, for those of you that feel my pain whenever people bump into you or their "iPod existence" just pisses you off to no end- keep this in mind. They will eventually get hit by a car or have their privileges revoked.

Friends don't let friends walk and iPod.

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